Eröffnung Do. 23.07.2020 / 19 Uhr
Words and images have always been able to reach further than humans, across space and through time. Yet, in current capitalists societies, there is no time to thoroughly look, read and form an understanding. Patience has become a fleeting notion. While more information is disseminated, less information is read and reflected on. Instead of converse, we react.

Priority Mail centers around a recent correspondence between Timo Fahler and Lara Schoorl. Over the course of two months, Fahler sent painted envelopes from Los Angeles to Schoorl in Amsterdam daily; together the envelopes add up to one large image. Meanwhile, Schoorl wrote an essay that she cut up into card-size pieces to fit the envelopes before anyone could read it forming both works into one edition of 55. No one but the artist and writer will ever know the original order of the paintings and the essay; a miscommunication was inevitable and created on purpose. The edition is produced as a product of its time and an inquiry to change.

Lara Schoorl is an art historian and writer from The Netherlands and lives in Los Angeles where she runs Close Distancejournal. She is the editor of Institutional Garbage (The Green Lantern Press, 2018) and american fine arts; an allegory for americas (forthcoming with Not A Cult, 2020). Her writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Flash Art, Foundations Magazine, and LALA Magazine and The Huffington Post is forthcoming in DIG.
Timo Fahler (b. Tulsa, OK) is an artist and organizer and lives in Los Angeles. His practice, informed by his Mexican and German heritage, is rooted in a narrative of a hybridized American identity that takes shape through sculpture, installation and performance. Recent exhibitions include an earth between us, American Institute of Thoughts and Feelings (Tucson, AZ); Nepantla, Gamma Galeria (Guadalajara, MX); In your dream they are not / words, Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal (Wuppertal, DE); slow relief, Ibid Gallery (Los Angeles, CA); Tierra. Sangre. Oro., Marfa Ballroom (Marfa, TX); and Todo Fine at New Image Art (Los Angeles, CA).