Vernissage: 06.08.2020, 19:00 Uhr – Finissage: 20.08.2020, 19:00 Uhr
Diana Bauer, Berlin / Malte Fröhlich, Berlin / Ullrich Klose, Dresden / Nadja Kurz, Berlin / Marten Schech, Berlin / Simon Mann, Berlin / Matti Schulz, Berlin / Marcel Walldorf, Frankfurt a. M. / Moritz Liebig, Dresden / Tillmann Hornig, Dresden / Ricaletto, Leipzig / Theresa Ehrenberg, Leipzig / Dr. ZZ, Dresden / Stephan Ruderisch, Dresden / Lars Frohberg, Dresden / Julia Eichler, Halle / Anton Schön, Dresden / Marcel Zapf, Dresden / Marcus Döring, Dresden / Kai Hügel, Dresden / Lucie Freynhagen, Dresden / Andreas Ullrich, Dresden / Paul Waak, Berlin / David Schiesser, Berlin / Alexander Endrullat, Dresden / Uli Kaufmann, Berlin / Tobi Keck, Leipzig / Enrico Sutter, Dresden / Sebastian Lucaß, Dresden / Justus Jager, Leipzig / Melo Börner, Berlin / Robert Vanis, Dresden / Johanna Rüggen, Dresden / Max Kowalewski, Dresden / Frank Zitzmann, Dresden / Bert Hoffmann, Jena / Miriam Neumann, Dresden / John-Ross Köhler, Dresden / Mikko Belinski, Berlin
08.08.2020 BuildYourSpot – Beteiligungsworkshop mit Endboss – Spot / Bautzen
18.08.2020 Skaterkino – Videoabend – Spot / Bautzen
In Zusammenarbeit mit Bautzen rollt e. V. und dem Deutschland & Friend’s e. V. Gefördert und unterstützt vom Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz und der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes.

From August 6th to August 20th, we have a two week exhibition with a supporting program and with the aim to give a space to the confrontation between skateboarding culture and art initiated in Dresden, Germany. The format of this exhibition was created ten years ago by Christian Pezold. This year, unlike the years before, the skateable parts of the exhibition were not made of concrete, but of wood. Under the aspect of sustainability and to try out a new material, we needed about four days to build the ramps in advance and install them in the room.
The idea was that this year every artist would create an art piece in the size of 22 x 82 x 5 cm or smaller! If the art pieces are shown in one line, it should look like skateboards on the wall, so a lot of artists did a piece specifically in this size for the exhibition.
We had some help with the installation, and at this point we would like to thank the helping hands from Bautzen rollt e.V.
After initial doubts about whether the corner was even skateable at all, or whether we would dare to go through it, we were rewarded with a super nice skate session on the evening of the vernissage. With the fact that: Everything held and it is not impossible to skate through the curve if you have enough speed. The atmosphere was very good, because we installed a kind of mini skate hall with obstacles, which you can’t find anywhere else in Dresden.
During the period of the exhibition the “Broiler Jam” has been taking place in Dresden for 14 years. While working out the ramps Ali had a surprise up his sleeve. The ramps of the wallride are removable and fit perfectly under a table tennis table. So we had an obstacle at the last spot of this year’s jam, which no one was fair with, but everyone made friends with it.
After we had to say goodbye to our self-built mini skatehall after two weeks, good sessions and many nice, common moments that will stay in our memories. The ramps live on at the “Spot ” from Bautzen rollt e.V. and will be used as mobile ramps in the future.
Words by Miri
Photos by Thomas Schulze